Big and worked alone, save for one episode when Mr. Big, the primary villain was Malkil, the warlock who was the main enemy of Kuros, who appeared to be far more sinister than Mr. The show also featured an evil living monster truck named Burnt Rubber, who acted as an adversary to Bigfoot. Big is missing his mustache from the arcade version of his origin. Big was the primary villain, on occasion, other villains, who were the adversaries of the other characters, would appear, such as Kwirk's enemy Rowdy Roddy Radish. Big tamper with Johnny's controls making him unable to give orders.

Even though Max Force does take a bit of a leader role, one episode had Mr. He was often be in his room calling the shots. While Johnny was always leading the team, he was very rarely actually seen hanging out with the characters. Johnny Arcade's involvement īefore the beginning of each episode, Johnny Arcade is briefly shown playing each character's game on his NES before they come flying out of the screen. Secondary villain Malkil was also based on the sinister-looking character from the Wizards and Warriors box art, rather than the stereotypical bearded wizard in purple robes and hat from the games. Big more closely resembled his game counterpart, but he didn't use a wheelchair and didn't have a "second form", instead of using cigar-related gadgets and weapons ("cigar missiles", for example). Tyrone was given a small afro, likely so he wouldn't resemble Michael Jordan as much as his Arch Rivals counterpart. "Radical" redesigning Ī few of the characters underwent radical redesigns from their game incarnations: Max Force, for example, looked like a SWAT officer and had a utility belt instead of machine guns, and Kuros bore more resemblance to a barbarian (as Kuros was depicted on the Wizards and Warriors box art), especially the original He-Man, than a knight in armor. During battles, Johnny would use a special communication device that looked like an NES Advantage controller to direct the Power Team members from his room. Joe Rockhead and Spike, two other NARC characters, worked for Mr. Big in the real world to cause havoc without any competition. Big sent them home, doing so would leave Mr. While this is what the heroes wanted, had Mr. Big would actually use the Game Paks to try to blast the characters back home during their battles. A common device on the show was the characters trying to recover the “game paks” from Mr.

Super Show! a DiC, Saban, and Nintendo series but instead of having two Brooklyn type plumbers transported to a mushroom realm and becoming protectors, as well by having a Malibu teenager getting zapped into a land of video game heroes and becoming a master of Nintendo games, The Power Team took the opposite tack by having the game characters come to the real world. The show seemed intended to capitalize on the audiences of both Captain N: The Game Master and The Super Mario Bros. Big from NARC, although Malkil from Wizards and Warriors or Kwirk's enemies from his own game occasionally appeared as well. The cartoon show also featured a cartoon version of the host of Video Power, Johnny Arcade, as they fought against villains from the Acclaim lineup, mainly Mr. They included Max Force from NARC (originally an arcade game by Williams, ported to the NES by Rare), Kuros from the Wizards and Warriors series (originally created by Rare), Kwirk from the game of the same name (originally by Atlus), Tyrone from Arch Rivals (originally by Midway) and Bigfoot from the game of the same name (developed by Beam Software, and based on the famous monster truck). The cartoon show featured characters from Acclaim Entertainment video games, although Acclaim never actually created these games, but merely published the home console versions. The show reran on USA Network as Acclaim Masters.

The cartoon series was produced by Bohbot Entertainment. The Power Team was directed by Steven Martiniere and Jack Olesker was the developer and story editor. The Power Team segments did not appear in Video Power's second season. As a result, some episodes of The Power Team would be aired more than once. While there were 33 episodes in the first season of Video Power, only 26 episodes of The Power Team were produced. The Power Team is an animated series that aired as a segment of the video game reviewing show Video Power during the show's first season.